Product • Strategy • User Experience

The Last 100 Feet

Amazon's crowd-sourced delivery efforts grew extremely rapidly, often without any real insights into the problems faced by drivers in the field. My team was engaged to identify, define and illustrate the gaps in the driver experience that made delivery hard. As service designers, we suspected, not many of them had much to do with software features. 
The opportunities we identified are changing the way Amazon thinks about delivery operations from "under to the roof" of the delivery station, all the way to the front door and back.


Amazon's crowd-sourced delivery efforts grew extremely rapidly, often without any real insights into the problems faced by drivers in the field. My team was engaged to identify, define and illustrate the gaps in the driver experience that made delivery hard. As service designers, we suspected, not many of them had much to do with software features. 
The opportunities we identified are changing the way Amazon thinks about delivery operations from "under to the roof" of the delivery station, all the way to the front door and back.